Cervical Disc Replacement

When to Consider a Cervical Disc Replacement?

One of the more common ailments facing the general population is neck pain. While there are many reasons for neck pain, typical causes include traumatic incidents, disc herniation(s) and also “wear and tear” conditions resulting in degenerative features such as arthritis that may crowd the spinal cord or nerve roots within the neck. In these instances, many patients will present with localized neck pain and additional limb symptoms that may even include numbness, tingling or weakness in the arms. This condition is termed cervical [neck] radiculopathy [radiating pain +/- weakness in the arms].

There are a variety of different treatment options for neck and radicular pain including cervical (neck) disc replacement to help restore normal neck function and to reduce or extinguish pain. It is a safe and elective procedure that is commonly utilized to help many patients return promptly back to their normal, pain-free lives.

The cervical disc replacement procedure involves removing the damaged neck disc away from the compressed nerve tissue that correlates with the patient’s pain pattern. Most often, patients usually respond well with several conservative treatments such as physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medication to help tackle the problem. But in some patients, the neck issue may be more severe and require advanced treatment by a surgical specialist to produce lasting relief. Fortunately for many, by replacing the damaged disc, the patient often can return to a normal pain-free life quickly once the nerve pressure that caused the inflammation is removed. The disc replacement is a safe and very effective treatment that has benefited thousands of patients.

An important part of patient care as it relates to repairing neck and radiating arm pain is finding the right healthcare professional. Andre Shaffer, M.D. is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery. Dr. Shaffer uses an evidence-based clinical approach to discuss the many treatment options for spine issues so that patients may select a treatment course that best fits their individual needs. These discussions include, when appropriate, if a patient is a candidate for a cervical disc replacement. Using the most current evidence and technology, Dr. Shaffer focuses on a no-nonsense approach to safely eliminating spinal nerve pain and is passionate about promptly getting his patients back to a healthy and active lifestyle.

If you desire to learn more about the many treatment options for your neck and arm pain, Dr. Shaffer is accepting new patients and will gladly provide thoughtful answers for your questions. Cervical nerve pain is miserable; isn’t it time to get this behind you?

Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle – We’ve got your back. Simply call to schedule today.